Thursday, July 20, 2006

On the School Trip

By Akari Yoshikawa

We interviewed Alisa Ochi who went to France and England on the school trip. When we asked her "How was your trip?" She said,"It was fun." We wanted to hear about the most interesting thing and the most terrible thing so we asked her. She said that she played with her friends at night and got trouble with the train conductor. Then we asked, "How were the food and local people?" She said that the food was not delicious in England, and in France the food was alright. The local people were nice. She went on to say that the weather in England was rainy and the weather in France was sunny. We asked her, "How long does it take to get to England or France?" She said,"It takes about 12 hours." And we asked her, "Has your English improved?" She said that she thinks her English has improved. She likes England and France because it is very interesting. Finally we asked her, "Now how do you feel?" She said that she would like to go again because she had a great time.

A London - Paris Interview

By Yasuka Suzuki

I interviewed Yuya Kihara. He went to London and Paris for 2 weeks. It took 12 hours to go from Japan to Europe. He played trump cards with his friends while on the flight. He changed planes in the Narita airport. He has gone overseas before. He went to Australia, Guam, and the United States. So he can speak a little English. He seemed to like London more than Paris, and to like Oxford especially. He has grown bigger by about two kilos though the dishes were more unpalatable than Japanese food. He likes soccer. He played soccer with foreigners in London. He took about 100,000 yen and used it all for soccer goods and souvenirs. He learned the difference between the cultures this time. And, it was in the town that was most surprising to him. He said that he had really good time.

London - Paris Interview

By Hikaru Murase and Ryo Otake

We interviewed Daichi Watanabe and Yuya Kihara. Their homeroom classes are 2-E and 2-F. Daichi had never been overseas, so this trip was the first time traveling abroad for him. He was so excited the day before the departure. Yuya had been to America, Australia and Guam before, but he worried about whether he could speak English. Daichi spent 12 hours on the flight to London watching a movie and talking with his friends. Yuya was playing cards with his friends.

In respect of the meal, they said the meals of London and Paris were not good, but French food was better than British food. Daichi's favorite places were the Oxford Palace and the Versailles Palace. Yuya's favorite place was the soccer shop. They seem to have moved by bus from London to Paris.

Daichi's favorite thing in this trip was that he could look at very lovely girls. He said, "Almost all of them were really lovely!" Yuya's favorite thing was that he could buy a lot of things. Daichi said that he had trouble. It was that one of his groups was late at the set time, so they had to pay extra money. They spent a lot of money. Daichi spent about five thousand yen and Yuya spent about nine thousand yen. Daichi spent money for clothes and Yuya spent money on the perfume and T-shirt. The day that they returned to Japan, both of them thought,” I don't want to go back to Japan!" They thought that they would want to eat Japanese food first when they went back to Japan. Daichi ate Chinese noodles and Yuya ate sushi.

Lastly, Daichi's best memory in this trip was that he could play soccer with foreigners. Yuya's best memory in this trip was that he could go shopping at Mitsukoshi.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Tom Weeks-Barnitt

By Risa Ichiko, Noriko Nagai, and Narumi Yoshitake

This year new teachers came to NIHS. We will introduce one of the new teachers. His name is Tom. He is 26 years old and is from San Diego, California. We asked him what California was like. He said people in California are very kind, friendly and not serious. So he loves it there. He has a little homesickness because he wants to eat his grandmother's cooking and wants to go surfing at a California beach. The place he wants to visit is Kyoto and he wants to try to play Kendo. He has been to England, Spain, France, Italy, Czech, Germany, Netherlands and Mexico. Now he lives in Higashi Betsuin. He likes music. He usually listens to Jazz, Hip-Hop and Rock songs. His favorite singers are Jack Johnson and Boe Dylan. His hobbies are playing football, basketball, and running. He loves sushi and his favorite sushi is tuna and lobster. When he was a university student, he studied business but decided to be a teacher. He said It was like destiny. We asked, "Why did you choose teach in Nagoya?" His answered, "Because I thought it is near Tokyo! His motto is "Stay Gold." His message to students is "Stay Gold!!"

今年新しい先生達が名古屋国際中・高校に来ました。私たちはその中の一人の新しい先生を紹介します。彼の名前はトムです、彼は26歳でサンディエゴ・カリフォルニア出身です。彼にカリフォルニアについて尋ねたところ、カリフォルニアの人々はとても親切でフレンドリー、陽気で彼はカリフォルニアが大好きだそうです。彼は少しホームシックで彼はおばあちゃんの作った料理を食べたいのとカリフォルニアの海でサーフィンがしたいそうです。彼に日本でしたいことを尋ねたところ、京都に行ったり剣道に挑戦したいと言っていました。彼はイギリス、スペイン、フランス、イタリア、チェコ、ドイツ、オランダ、メキシコに行ったことがあるそうです。彼は今東別院に住んでいます。彼は音楽が好きで、彼はよくジャズ、ヒップホップ、フォークソングを聞くそうです。お気に入りの歌手はジャックジョンソン、ボブディランです。彼の趣味はフットボール、バスケをすること、走ることです。彼は寿司が好きで、好きな寿司のネタはマグロとイセエビです。彼がなぜ先生になろうと思ったのかは彼が 大学生の時、初めはビジネスを勉強していましたが、しかし大学で教えることも勉強しその時自分に合っていることに気付き先生になろうと決めたそうです。これは運命だったと彼は言っていました。でもなぜ名古屋で教えるかを決めたのかと尋ねました。彼の答えは名古屋は東京に近く、さほど大きくない都市だと思ったからここに決めたそうですが実際は違ったそうです。最後に全校の生徒に向けてのメッセージを頂きました。Stay Gold!! これは彼の好きな言葉でもあります。

Laurie Mangru

By Chiho Sakai and Nanaho Koketsu

Her name is Laurie Mangru. She is from Canada. She has crazy/cute hair. It is brown and blond. She is very cute. Probably you will fall in love with her. But she said, "I never date with high school students.” But she said, "Japanese students are great!" She likes kind and smart men. Then we asked her, "Do you like bald-headed men? Her answer is, "If this person's character is good, I'll like this person.” She is 29 years old . She likes all types of movies, but she doesn't like action movies because she doesn't like guns, bombs, and violence. Her favorite Japanese word is "Shizuka" maybe the Junior High School's classroom is noisy. She likes Japanese food, especially, "Shabu-shabu." We think Laure is very cute and kind. Her Japanese is very good. When we asked her about Japanese men she said, "Oh, it's a very crazy question!!" So, we think she is funny teacher. I want to know about her more. We think Laurie is very cute and kind. Her Japanese is very good.

日本語(Japanese)ローリーはかわいくておかしな髪です。彼女の名前はローリーです。彼女はカナダ出身です。彼女はしま模様の髪です。それは茶色 と金髪です。彼女はとてもかわいいです。あなたは多分彼女に 惚れるでしょう。でも彼女は「私は高校生とは絶対デートしま せん でも 日本の生徒はとても素晴らしいです」 彼女は優しくて頭の良い男の人が好きです。そして私達は彼女 に「ハゲの男の人は好きですか?」と尋ねました。彼女の答え は「もしそのハゲの人の性格が良ければ私はその人を好きにな るでしょう」私はその意見に賛成です。何故なら大事な事は人 々の心と性格だからです。 彼女は二十九歳です。彼女は映画全般が好きです ですがアク ションムービーが嫌いです。何故なら彼女は銃や爆弾 暴力的 なものが嫌いだからです。彼女のお気に入りの日本語は“静か ”です。多分私が思うに中学生たちは五月蠅いのでしょう。彼 女はたいてい週末を彼女の友達と過ごします。そして特に彼女 の好きな日本の食べ物はしゃぶしゃぶです。 私達が日本の男について質問をした時彼女は「まぁ、なんて失 礼な質問なの??」と言いました。だから私は彼女は面白い先 生だと思いました 私達はもっと彼女の事が知りたいです 私達はローリーはとても親切でかわいいと思いました そして彼女の日本語はとても旨かったです

Ibuki Norihiko

By Takeyasu Nagakusa, Hiro Takenouchi, and Tsukasa Hamaoka

Do you know Ibuki Sensei? He is a teacher of this school. On April 24th, we went to the teacher's room to ask some questions. He is 35 years old, his birthday is on June 7th, and his blood type is O. His favorite food is fried cake of minced meat. His favorite singer is Freddy M. who is a member of Queen, and his favorite music is western music and rock music. He is living in Kasugai. Kasugai is pretty far from school. It takes one hour from his house to school. He teaches Science. He became a teacher in 1994. We asked him, “Why did you want to be a teacher?” and he said, “Because I had a good time in high school." He wants to marry but he has no girlfriend. So he is looking for a woman who he can marry. His ideal girl is Japanese, 20~35 years old, has a car license, loves cooking, and has a good sense of fashion. We think he is very funny. We want to take his class because we think it will be amusing.

あなたはイブキ先生をご存知ですか?彼はこの学校の先生のなかの一人です。4月24日、僕たちは職員室に行き彼にいくつか質問してきました。彼は35歳、誕生日は6月7日です。血液型はO型で好きな食べ物はメンチカツです。彼の好きな歌手はFreddy M。 Queenのメンバーの一人です。好きな音楽は洋楽とロックです。彼は今春日井に住んでいます。春日井は学校から結構遠いです。家から学校まで一時間ほどかかります。彼は科学を教えています。先生になったのは1994。僕たちは彼に何故教師になったのかを聞きました。するとかれは『何故なら私は高校で良い時間を過ごせたからね。』と答えました。イブキ先生は結婚したいと言ってましたが彼には彼女はいません。それで彼は彼と結婚できる女性を探しています。彼の理想の女性は日本人で20〜35歳、車の免許を持っている、料理好き、そしてファッションセンスがある人です。僕たちは彼はとてもおもしろい先生だと思うので、ぜひ彼の授業を受けてみたいです。なぜなら彼の授業は楽しく過ごせると思うからです。

Our Interview with Kazuya Yamada

By Yuto Fujii and Shinya Fukuoka

Last Friday we interviewed Kazuya Yamada in the teacher's room. His hobby is listening to music. He is always listening to classical music. Everyday he feels very tired at school. So he listens to music to be relaxed. Every morning he comes to this school by the Meitetsu line and the subway. But it makes him tired at school. He has an older sister. Their blood types are both A. We heard that his sister is sociable. We guess he wants a daughter. His dream was to be a sailer because he wanted go to South Africa to meet Sharon Stone. In the interview he said in the end, " I like the words in my favorite book and I want to teach my students because the students in this school look less than their uniforms. It's not so good. So I wanna teach the words which are, "Know myself ! Believe myself! and try all the time! " He said, “all of students should do so! " We were admiring him then.

Yamada Kazuya

先週の金曜日、私たちは職員室でヤマダカズヤさんにインタビューをしました。 彼の趣味はクラシックを聞くことだそうです。毎日の学校での疲れを音楽をきくことによって 癒していることでしょう。毎朝、ヤマダ先生は名鉄電車と地下鉄を乗り継いで学校に行きます。しかしそういったことも 含め、学校での職員生活は彼を疲れさせています。 ヤマダ先生はA型で、お姉さんが一人いらっしゃいます。インタビューの際、「子供は男の子と 女の子どっちがいいですか?」といった質問に対し、先生は「女の子かな」と答えた。僕らはこれを お姉さんとの人間関係に何か関係していると推理した。 彼は子供の頃、船乗りになりたかったそうです。行きたい国は南アフリカ。好きな映画俳優は 「シャロン・ストーン」。もしかしたら、船乗りになって、シャロン・ストーンに会いに南アフリカ に行きたかったのだろうか?その疑問はユウトの妄想の内にとどめておこう。 このインタービューでヤマダ先生は「なんだか生徒全体が制服負けしている気がする」と さいごに、そんな生徒さんたちに、先生が一番好きな言葉を教えたいと思います。 「己を知り、己を信じて、日々努力するべし!」私たちはその言葉を聞いて、とても関心しました。

Rie Yoshioka

By Sayoko Yamamoto and Ayana Maruyama

Hey, do you know who the most beautiful teacher at this school is? We found her in the teacher's room last week. She has long black hair and big eyes. Her name is Rie Yoshioka. She teaches P.E. so she is very active. She was born on June 23rd in Sapporo. There are four people in her family and she hasn't any pets. Sapporo is snow country so she is good at snowboarding. When she was a child she wanted to be a flight attendant. Then she went to Tsukuba University and learned field hockey there. And she decided to be a P.E. teacher. When she was looking for schools she was attracted to this school. Then she chose this school. She thought this school is very clean, beautiful, fun and has very energetic students. She said Nagoya is a very big city and fun but she has language problems. At last we asked her, "What is your aim in your life?" So she said, "My aim is having a happy life." When we interviewed her she smiled the whole time. And she answered very politely. She always plans her classes ahead of time so we also thought we should do our best. Thank you!

ヘイ!知ってる?この学校で誰が一番綺麗な先生か知ってるかい? 私達は先週、職員室で見つけました!長い黒髪に大きな目‥彼女の名前は吉岡りえ先生!彼女は体育の先生です。だからとてもアクティブ!彼女は6月23日に札幌で生まれました。4人家族でペットはいません。札幌は雪国なので彼女はとてもスノーボードが得意です。彼女は子どものころフライトアテンダントなるのが夢でした。そして彼女は筑波大学へ行ってフィールドホッケーを学びました!そしてそこで彼女は体育の先生になると決意したのです!彼女が勤める学校さがしをしているとき、彼女はこの学校に魅せられ、そしてこの学校を選びました。彼女はこの学校は綺麗で〜美しくて〜面白い!そしてなにより生徒たちもとても元気だと思いました。彼女はまた、名古屋はとても大きな街で面白いと思いましたが、言葉の問題もありました。 最後に私達は彼女に 『あなたの人生において目標は何ですか?』と尋ねると、彼女は『幸せな人生を送ること』と答えました。私達がインタビューしている時、彼女はずっと微笑みながら、丁寧に受け答えをしてくれました。 彼女の授業はいつも彼女なりに計画的で頑張っているので、私達も頑張ろうと思いました!以上。ありがとうございました!

Syouichiro Yoshioka

By Kenji Ishijima and Misato Yasui

We interviewed Syouichiro Yoshioka one hour ago in the teacher’s room. Seichiro Yosioka's birthday is Octorber 1st and now he is 22 years old. He lives in Nagoya. He mostly teaches P.E. and health for 1st grade students. He is interested in English, but he can't speak English, so he wants to learn. He loves to play soccer and his favorite soccer player is Hidetoshi Nakata. That's why he wants to go to England. But he never been abroad. He likes to snowboard and listen to music. He likes every kind of music, but he especialy likes Rock music. He loves to eat Ramen. His favorite place is his room because he can relax there. He enjoys contact with students, that's why he wanted to become a teacher. He became a teacher and came to this school this year. He thinks this school building is clean and the grounds are beautiful. He is thinking. I'll do my best.

Yukiko Yasuda

By Akari Yoshikawa, Shou Iryu, and Shoko Shimizu

Yukiko Yasuda is one of the new Japanese teachers at Nagoya International Junior High School. She is an English teacher and can speak English fluently. She wanted to be a teacher to interact with people and she wanted to learn about child psychology. She chose this school because this school is international and she is able to teach English. She thinks this school’s best aspects are the students learning English and having many foreign teachers. The bad thing about this school is that it's new, so there is a lack of organization. Her house is not too far from here; It just takes 3 minutes. She is 25 years old. She is from Gifu. She said her strong point is smiling every day and her weak point is crying too much. We asked her about marriage. She was smiling as she talked. She has never been married, but she has a boyfriend! She told us she likes men that are kind and have a gentle heart. Her favorite season is spring. She has been to America and Canada. She told us America was very big and Canada had a lot of nature. She said, "if I was born again, I would want to be a man, because I want to taste the feeling of being a man." If she were prime minister, she would cut taxes. Even if she got one hundred million yen, she would not use it. She wants to save money. She has never been close to dying, and she doesn't want to die yet. From the first impression of her we thought that she was a very busy person. But after we talked her, we thought she was very friendly and she likes her students. We respect her attitude of teaching English to her students.

ヤスダ ユキコ先生は名古屋国際中学校に来た新しい先生の一人です。ヤスダ先生 は英語教師でとても流暢な英語を話されます。  ヤスダ先生は、人と互いに影響し合うことや子どもの心理学に興味があったので教 師になろうと思ったそうです。この学校を選んだのは、この学校が国際的だというこ
とと生徒に英語を教えることが出来るから。この学校の良いところは生徒が英語を学 んでいること、たくさんのネイティブの先生がいること。悪いところはこの学校がま だ新しく、組織として完成してないことだそうです。ヤスダ先生の家は学校から遠く なく、通勤時間3分だそうです。  ヤスダ先生は25歳、岐阜県出身。長所は毎日笑顔でいること、短所は泣くことが 多いところ。先生に結婚のことを尋ねると、まだ結婚はしてないけど彼氏はいるよ、と笑いながら話してくれました。好きな男性のタイプは親切で優しい心を持っている 人だそうです。好きな季節は春。  ヤスダ先生はアメリカとカナダに行ったことがあって、アメリカの印象はすごく大 きかった、カナダの印象はたくさんの自然があるとのこと。私たちの質問に対し、 『もし生まれ変わったら、男の人に生まれ変わりたい。なぜなら男の人の気持ち、考
えを味わってみたい。もし自分が総理大臣だったら税金を削減したい。もしも1億円 を手に入れたとしても、使いません。貯金します。一度も死にかけたことはないし、まだ死にたくないな。』と答えてくださいました。  ヤスダ先生はすごく忙しい人だなということが第一印象でしたが、先生とお話した 後の印象は親しみやすくて生徒のことが好きだということを感じました。私たちはヤ スダ先生の生徒に対する英語を教える姿勢や態度を尊敬します。

Heather Ann Watson

By Akari Yoshikawa

We interviewed Heather Ann Watson last week at school. She comes from Canada and she came to Japan seven years ago to teach English. She came to Japan and thought that Japan is clean, safe, and the foods are delicious. "How about Canada?" we asked. She said, "It's big" that's all. She came to Nagoya and went to Osu and Sakae her first visit in Japan. She can speak English, French, Korean, Portuguese and Japanese. The first word she learned in Japanese was "Arigatou". She likes going dancing and watching boxing games. She lives in Joshin in Japan and she has a father, mother, two sisters, a brother and a cat in Canada. She isn't married yet. But she has a boyfriend sometimes. Her impression of this school was that it's beautiful and students are friendly. Finally, we asked, "Please give a message to students.” She said, "Please remember English is not only in school. English is for communication not only for studying." She is very kind and fun. We were impressed.

私たちは先週ヘザー アン先生を学校でインタビューしました。彼女はカナダから日本へ英語を教えるために来ました。彼女は日本にきて安全で綺麗で食べ物が美味しい国だと思ったそうです。『カナダはどんな国ですか?』と私たちは聞きました。『大きい!』と彼女はそれだけ言いました。彼女は名古屋にきて大須と栄に行ったそうです。彼女は英語,フランス語,韓国語,ポルトガル語と日本語が話せます。初めて教えてもらった日本語は『ありがとう』でした。彼女はダンスとボクシングの試合をテレビで見るのが好きだそうです。彼女は浄心に住んでいてカナダではお父さん、お母さん、二人の姉妹と一人の兄弟と猫が一匹います。彼女はまだ結婚していませんがたまに彼氏ができるそうです。彼女が初めてこの学校に来た時の印象は綺麗で生徒がとても優しいと話してくれました。彼女は最後に生徒へメッセージをおくってくれました。 『覚えておいて。英語はただ学校だけにあるものではありません。英語はコミュニケーションのためにあるんだよ。勉強するためだけにあるんじゃない』 私たちは感動しました。

Wakamatsu Kaori

By Kohei, Saki and Kosuke

Wakamatsu Kaori is one of the new teachers. She is a Japanese music teacher. We interviewed her last Thursday. We'll introduce about her. She is in charge of the music. Her favorite kind of music is classical. But her dream was not to be a teacher. Because she wants to make a happy family! The reason why she wants to be a teacher is because she likes children. Even on holidays she hangs out with her child. Her first impression of school is that it is so beautiful, with good students and hard school rules...I don't think so, lol. She said, "If I wasn’t a teacher, I would go abroad to study music.” Finally she said, "keep your mind as open as when you begin.” Actually she is 31 years old but she looks like much younger.


Minagawa Syouichi

By Kazuto Yamada, Yoshitsugu Nakano, and Yuki Matsui

Do you know Minaguwa Syouichi? It is a name of a new teacher at NIHS. On April 24th, we went to the teacher’s room to meet him. He was there and we spoke to him. He stopped to use a computer and answered. We started to ask some questions. He is 24 years old and his birthday is June 26th. His hobby is playing soccer so he often plays soccer on the holidays. His favorite soccer team is ‘Barcelona'. He teaches soccer in this school in the soccer club. And he has been to Brazil to learn soccer. He intently talked with us about many things about soccer. Next we asked him about this school. He teaches the second grade and third grade options. He thinks this school is very free. He lives five minutes from this school. Then we asked about things when he was a student. He hated Math and Science but when he was in the third grade of High School, he decided to become a teacher because he wanted to be 'Kinpachi sensei'. 'Kinpachi sensei' is the character of a TV drama. He thought to teach I.T because he thought it is the most necessary subject to take in life but he thinks he should have been a P.E. teacher now. His favorite musician is 'Kaientai' and 'Hikarugenji'. His favorite sayings are 'blossom' and his favorite food is curry. Finally, we asked his goals as a teacher. He answered that he wanted to give dreams to his students. He smiled and talked to us. He was very friendly and all of us thought he will become a great teacher.

あなたはミナガワショウイチロウという名前を知っていますか ?この名前は名古屋国際高等学校に新しく来た先生のものです 。4月24日私達は彼に会うために職員室に行きました。彼は そこにいたので私達は声をかけました。彼はコンピュータを使 うのをやめ、答えてくれました。なので私達は質問を始めまし た。彼は24歳で誕生日は6月26日。彼の趣味はサッカーを することで、休日にはよくサッカーをするそうです。彼の好き なサッカーチームはバルセロナで、この学校のサッカー部でコ ーチをしているそうです。そしてサッカーを習うために、ブラ ジルにも行ったことがあります。 彼は私達にサッカーについて熱心に語ってくれました。次に私達はこの学校についてたずねました。 彼は二年生と三年生の選択を教えており、この学校はとても自由な学校だといっていました。彼はこの学校から五分の所に住
んでいます。そして私達は彼が学生だった頃についてたずねま した。彼は数学と理科が嫌いでしたが、高校三年生のときに先生にな ることを決めました。 なぜなら、彼は金八先生に憧れたからでした。金八先生はテレビドラマのキャラクターです。彼が、情報を教えようと思ったのは、この教科が生活していく のにもっとも必要な教科だと思ったから、しかし彼は体育の先 生になれば良かったと今では後悔しています。その他に彼の好 きな歌手は光-GENJI-と海援隊で彼の好きな言葉は、「青春」
彼は、「生徒たちに夢を与えることだ」と笑いながら答えてく れました。彼はとてもフレンドリーで、私達はみんな「彼はグ レートな先生になるだろう」と思いました

Satoru Suzuki

By Yuuji Matsui, Kazumasa Yamada, and Masamoto Yokoi

We are going to introduce an arts teacher. Last year he was a part-time teacher. He stepped up this year. His name is Satoru Suzuki. He teaches art to students. "I became a teacher because I like to teach and I want to enjoy my job. This is my dream, but being a teacher is very busy work. I can not work to death'' he told us. "I have a good sense of arts," he said. He takes great pride in his art. He is very proud of his work because when he was 25 years old, his art was on display in front of The Nisshin Sports Center. He said, "This experience was the best in my life so far." We don't know exactly what kind of art it is, but he likes sculpting. Unexpectedly, we found out he has a welding license. We can't understand why he has a welding license, perhaps he had it for a part-time job. By the way, he seems to have four girlfriends.......really? He is 33 years old but he is single. This is the clutch. We don't know why he can't get married we hope he will get married.

私たちはある美術の先生を紹介します。昨年講師(パート)として来ていたが今年、名古屋国際高等学校の教師になった鈴木さとる。彼は美術の教師です。”私は人に教 える事が好きで充実して仕事をするのが夢ですしかし教師とゆう仕事は大変忙しいで す、私は死に物狂いで働くことは出来ません”と彼は私たちに言いました。”私には芸術のセンスがある”彼は自分の芸術に大きなプライドを持っています。彼 は25歳の時彼の作った作品が日進体育館の前に展示された事があるので、彼は自分の
彼の仕事を非常に誇りに思っています。彼は”この作品展示が私の人生で一番の思い出だ”といいました。私たちは実際彼が どうゆう芸術作品を作るからわからないですが、彼は彫刻などが好きです。
意外にも彼はクレーン免許を持っています。私たちはなぜ彼がクレーン免許を持って いるか理解できません。ひょっとしたら彼はバイトでクレーンをしていたのかもしれ ません。ところで彼は今までに4人の女性と付き合ってきました・・・・・本当に?彼は 33歳ですが彼は独身です。ピンチです!!私たちは何故彼が結婚出来ないのか分かりま せん。彼が結婚できるといいですね。

Soba Naoko

By Nozomi Amano & Chinatsu Takagi

Let me introduce about a new Japanese teacher. First of all, we have a question for you!! The new Japanese teacher is a woman. She has a long black hair and average height. Her character is calm. Do you understand which teacher she is? She is Naoko Soba. I think that a student of an international course does not know her. However, I think that a student of general course knows her. We interviewed her last week in the teacher’s room.

She teaches classical Japanese to high school students. When we met her we came away with the feeling that she is a cute and calm woman. So she makes us feel warmer. She lives in Nagoya but she is from Toyama. Her blood type is A. Her birthday is 6th May. There are 5 people in her family and she has two younger sisters. Her hobbies are playing the piano, practicing and writing calligraphy. Also, she goes to eat cake on the weekend. Especially, she likes fruit cake more than chocolate cake. She says that harmony of fresh cream and fruit are the most delicious. There is her favorite cake shop near Irimaike Station. If you are interested, please go to this shop. Ms. Soba decided to become a teacher because an encounter with a person is happy. And then, she has a dream. Her dream is to write a classic. She is sad in a class when a student is indifferent to her story. Also she is glad in a class when she has a chat with students. We thought that she had a calm character and she is a good teacher. We hope that her dream comes true sometime. We want to go to eat a cake together this time because she knows a lot about cake. And we thought she has an aura of a teacher of classical Japanese.

「ソバノリコ」 新しい日本人の先生を紹介しましょう。 はじめに、みなさんにクイズです! その新しい日本人の先生は女性です。彼女は黒髪のロングヘアーで、身長は人並みで す。性格は落ち着いています。 彼女がどの先生かわかりましたか? 彼女はそばのりこ先生です。国際教養科の生徒のみなさんはあまり知らないのでは ないかと思います。けれども、普通化の生徒のみなさんは彼女の事を知っていると思 います。 私達は、先週彼女に職員室でインタビューをしてみました。 彼女は高校生に古典を教えています。 私達が初めて彼女に会ったとき、彼女は魅力的であり落ち着いた女性だと感じまし
た。 彼女は名古屋に住んでいますが、富山県出身。A型。5月6日生まれ。 5人家族であり、彼女には二人の妹がいるそうです。 彼女の趣味はピアノを弾くことと、書道の練習をしたり書道の作品を書いたりする 事。また、週末にケーキを食べに行っているそうです。特に彼女はチョコレートケー キより、フルーツのケーキが大好きです。彼女曰く、フルーツケーキはクリームとフ ルーツのハーモニーがとてもおいしいということです。彼女のお気に入りのケーキ屋 さんはいりまいけ駅の近くにあります。もし興味を持ったなら、一度行ってみてくだ さい。 そば先生は人との出会いが楽しいので先生になる事を決めました。 そして彼女には夢があります。彼女の夢は古典を広げる事です。 そんな彼女が授業中悲しいと思うことは、自分の話を生徒に聞いてもらえない時であ り、また嬉しいときは、生徒のみんなと雑談をしているときだそうです。 私達は、彼女は落ち着いている人であり、いい先生だと思いました。 いつか先生の夢が叶うことを願っています。 私達は、先生とケーキを一緒に食べに行きたいです。なぜなら彼女は沢山のケーキを 食べたことがあるからです。 そして彼女は独特のオーラをもつ古典の先生だと思いました。 3A,3B 天野希美、高木ちなつ

Richard Milnes

By Yasuka Suzuki, Haruka Asai, Erina Fukuda and Yuki Suzuki

We interviewed Richard Sensei. His full name is Richard Milnes. He is from England. He went to Rainhill school. His birthday is the 17th of May. He is 32 years old. He lives near Gokiso with his wife. His wife is Japanese and she is 30 years old. Her charm is humor. He met her for the first time in Chiba about 10 years ago. So I think he can speak Japanese but he told me, “I can’t speak Japanese anymore. I can speak English only." His hobbies are scuba diving and mountain biking. He plays them every weekend. His childhood dream was to be a rugby player. He is a very active man. He likes Nagoya. His favorite Japanese food is sushi. He likes Nagoya International High School because it is exciting. Before he came to this school he traveled to many countries but he wants to try to go to many more countries. If he had one million yen he would buy a car. He said, “Only one million yen??? It is too little!!!!” lol He is so funny and very friendly!!! lol.....

私たちはリチャード先生にインタビューしました。彼の名前はリ チャード・ミルンズです。彼はイングランド出身でレインヒル学校に通っていまし た。彼の誕生日は5月17日で32歳です。彼は御器所の近くに彼の妻と一緒に住ん でいます。彼の奥さんは日本人で30歳です。彼女の魅力はユーモアなところです。 彼は10年ほど前、彼女に初めて千葉で会いました。なので私は彼が日本語を話せる と思います。でも彼は私に『日本語はなにもしゃべれません。英語だけ話せます。』 といいました。彼の趣味はスキューバーダイビングとマウンテンバイクです。彼は毎 週末それらをします。彼の小さい頃の夢はラグビー選手になることでした。彼はとっ ても活発的な人です。彼は名古屋、日本が好きです。彼の好きな日本食は寿司です。 彼は名古屋国際高校が好きです。なぜならば、わくわくする(楽しい)からです。彼は この学校に来る前、たくさんの国を旅行していました。でも彼はもっとたくさんの国 へ行ってみたいです。もし100万円が合ったなら、彼は車を買ったでしょう。彼は 『たった100万円??少なすぎる!!!』といいました。笑 彼はとても面白く て、友好的です。笑

Valerie Humphrey

By Yui Hamamoto, Yu Nishida, and Maki Fujii

“I tried many different jobs but when I started teaching, I thought this was the perfect job because it didn't feel like a job!!” These words were spoken by Ms. Valerie Humphrey. She came to this school this year so she is a new teacher. She is from California in the United States. She told us about Calfornia and about her childhood. Calfornia has a lot of hills for climbing and a big ocean. She loves nature. When she was little she was a tom boy (a tom boy is a girl who likes to play outside and plays boy's games). During the weekend she often went to the beaches in California. She recently came to Japan. She likes to ride trains, so she will visit many places in Japan. She wants to climb Mt. Fuji someday while she is in Japan. Ms. Valerie likes all kinds of movies but especially romantic movies. It's not romantic but she wants to watch 'The Da Vinci Code' in the theater. Ms. Valerie likes animals but she has no pets. Someday she wants to buy a dog. Her favorite Japanese T.V. program is Genius! Shimura Zoo!! because she likes cute animals. She can relax at her friends’ house more than her house. She was surprised that eveone was so friendly and the big cities were very clean when she came to Japan. Lastly, we asked, "What do you think about this school?”. She said, "This school is wonderful because there is a lot of opportunity (potential to learn more)”. She also said, "The students are great!! I thought your questions were excellent!! I felt very special.” Thank you for answering the questions. We thought you were very beautiful and a nice person. As a matter a fact, Ms. Valerie has no boyfriend, so if you are interested GO FOR IT!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!

「私は今まで色々な仕事に挑戦してみましたが、教師という仕事を始めた時、私はこれは完璧な仕事だと思いました。なぜなら、それは私にとって仕事だと思えなかったからです。」 この言葉はバレリー・ハンプフリー先生が言われた言葉です。バレリー先生は、今年この学校に来た新しい先生です。先生はアメリカのカルフォルニア州から来ました。そして、私達にカルフォルニアの事や先生の子供時代の話を聞かせてくれました。カルフォルニアには登ったりできる丘が沢山あり、大きな海もあるそうです。先生は自然が大好きで、小さい頃はトムボーイという女の子だけど外で沢山遊んで、男の子が好きなスポーツをする元気な子だったそうです。カルフォルニアにいる時は週末はビーチに行き、日本では電車を使って、日本の色々なところに行ったりしています。日本にいる間にいつか富士山に登ってみたいそうです。バレリー先生は、映画が好きで、とくにロマンティックな映画が好きです。これはロマンティックな映画ではありませんが、もうすぐ公開の「ダビンチ コード」も見てみたいそうです。バレリー先生は動物が好きですが、ペットは飼っていません。なので、いつか犬を飼いたいと思っています。好きな日本のテレビ番組は
「天才!志村動物園!!」です。なぜなら、彼女はかわいい動物が大好きだからです。この番組には沢山かわいい動物たちが出てきますよね。先生は自分の家よりも友達の家にいる時の方が リラックスできるそうです。先生は日本に来たとき、皆とてもフレンドリーで大きな街はとても綺麗な事にびっくりしたそうです。最後に私達は「この学校をどう思いますか?」と聞きました。すると、先生は「この学校には色々な事を勉強する為の材料が揃っていて素晴らしいと思います。」そして「生徒達も素晴らしい!あなたたちの質問も良かったよ!私は、とても特別に感じました♪」

A profile of Satoshi Mizutani

By Yuki Kato, Mio Shirase, and Yumi Sakurai

We got a new young Japanese teacher!! He came to this school only two weeks ago. We had to look for him for three days because he is a staff adviser to the volleyball club. We caught him in the teacher's room yesterday. When we first spoke to him, he turned around abruptly. He is Satoshi Mizuguchi. Our first impression of him was that he was blunt, but we found that he is interesting. He talked with us about himself. He is from Osaka but he moved to Nagoya when he was 14 years old so he speaks in the dialect of Nagoya. He likes soccer. He is a member of the NEC soccer team, but he does not like training for muscles. He talked to us about his impression of this school. "I went to Otani high school and my friend went to NIHS, so I knew about this school 6 years ago. Well, as a teacher I think this school is beautiful and the students are quiet. I want to chat with all students." I noticed that he was wearing a ring on his ring finger. I asked him, "Are you married?" He said, "Not yet. I will get married soon. She is getting along with my family and often stays at my parents' house. She likes Disneyland so we go there four times a year." I asked him another question, "please show us a picture of her." He was willing to show it to us. Her smile was pretty in the picture. Finally, we asked him, "What kind of teacher do you want to be?" After a moment's consideration, he said, "I want to be a teacher that is trusted by all students." Maybe we think his motto is: Help people. We were a little nervous before the interview, but he was friendly and cheerful. We want him to be a teacher that is trusted by all students.



私たちが彼に話しかけると彼は不意に振り向きました。彼は水谷 聡志先生です。彼は最初は無愛想でしたが、実は面白い人でした。






Will Cashman

By Miho Oshima, Maho Sasaki, and Ikumi Koide

We went to teacher's office last Thursday to interview the tallest man in this school. Do you know who he is? It's Will Cashman. He is a 3A homeroom teacher. He is 24 years old and is from New Jersey, USA. He has been in Japan for a year and 3 weeks. Why did he choose to come to Japan? Because he likes to travel in Asia. He has been to China and Thailand. He is interested in Japanese culture. He said, "There are many differences from America." He also likes Japanese food. But he likes American food more than Japanese. Also he said, "American life is better than Japanese life, because there are many different politics in Japan." He lives with Petra and Chris in a small apartment. The door is very low, so he always hits his head because he is very tall. As a matter of fact when he was 16 years old, he was just 167 centimeters tall. But now he is 197 centimeters tall. How tall! "The shoe box is also small," he said. But his Japanese life is good! Good culture, good students - but he said, "Students are sometimes quite noisy!! and the 3A classroom is very dirty." Please keep it clean. I asked him, "What's New Jersey like?" He said, "It's very crowded and there are many people. It takes 40 minutes from home to New York or to the beach. He loves traveling and he prefers Ireland, Switzerland, and the Beaches in Thailand. He is going to Vietnam with Chris in the summer vacation. He likes COLDPLAY. It is a UK rock group. He is going to their concert. I heard he went to Bon Jovi's one. He loves rock music. He does not listen to Japanese music. We asked, "Do you know any singer or group?" then he answered, "I just knows ORANGERANGE and SMAP." He is not interested in Japanese music I think. He enjoys his Japanese life with many people (When we interviewed him, he talked a lot about himself!). Before we interviewed him, we didn't talk so much. But we talk with him in a friendly way. We found he is a very friendly and kind person! I said he lives with Petra and Chris. We asked them about Will. Chris said, "He's kind and energetic. Will can understand students because he is young! I play sports such as soccer, basketball and golf with him! It's great!! His feet smell BAD!!!!" And Petra said, "He's funny and kind. Will is young so I sometimes look after him!" He is very friendly and funny! Let's talk with him!

私達は先週の木曜日にこの学校で1番背の高い先生へインタビューするために職員室 へ聞きにいき した。 この先生が誰かわかりますか? 答えはウィル キャッシュ マン先生です。彼は3年A組の担任の先生です。年は24歳で、アメリカのニュー ジャージー州から来ました。日本に来て1年と3週になります。  なぜ日本を選び日本にきたのでしょうか? なぜなら彼はアジア旅行が好きで、中国 やタイに行ったことがあるそうです。そして彼は日本文化に興味があり、「アメリカ と違うこところがたくさんある」と言っていました。 また、日本料理も好きです が、アメリカの食べ物のほうが口に合うみたいです。彼は「日本生活よりもアメリカ 生活のほうが良い、なぜなら日本にはたくさんの難しい慣習があるから」と言ってい ました。 彼はペトラ先生とクリス先生と一緒に小さなマンションに住んでいます。ドアがとて も低く、彼は背が高いがためにいつも頭を打ってしまうそうです。実は、彼が16歳 のとき身長はたった167センチだったのです、しかし今はなんと197センチにも なっているのです。すごい! 「靴箱も小さいくて ^^;」と言っていました。 しか し彼の日本生活は好調です。良い文化に良い生徒(たまに少しうるさいけれど) そ れと3Aの教室はとても汚いく、かれは「お願いだから綺麗にしておいてね」と言っ
ていました(笑) 次に私はニュージャージーについて尋ねました。彼は「とても混雑していて、人が多
く、家からニューヨークやビーチに行くのに40分かかるよ」と言っていました。ま た彼は旅行好きで、アイルランドやスイスやタイのビーチがお気に入りだそうです。 夏休みにはクリスとベトナムへ行く予定です。 彼の好きな歌手はCOLDPLAYというイギリスのグループです。コンサートにも行くそう です。私は彼がBonJoviのコンサートに行ったということも聞きました。彼はロック をこよなく愛しています。 またあまり日本の音楽は聴かないようで、誰が日本の歌 手やグループを知ってるか尋ねたところORANGERANGEとSMAPだけは知っていまし た。たぶん日本の音楽には興味がないのだとおもいます。 彼は日本の生活を沢山の人達とともに楽しんでいると思います。 私達が彼にインタ ビューしに行ったとき、彼は自分のことについてたくさん話してくれました。インタ ビューするまでは彼とあまり話をしなかったけれど、今は気軽に話します。彼がとて も気さくで優しい人なことに気づきました。 彼がペトラ先生とクリス先生と一緒に 住んでいると言いましたが、2人にも彼について聞いてきました。クリス先生は「彼 は優しくて活発だよ。それにまだ若いから生徒の気持ちを理解できる。サッカーやバ スケやゴルフを彼と一緒にするんだけど、それはとても楽しいよ!でも彼の足って すっごく臭い!!!!」答えてくれました。ペトラ先生は「彼は面白くて優しい人、 彼はまだ若いからたまに私は彼の面倒をみてるよ」と答えてくれました。 彼はすごく気さくでおもしろいです! ウィルとお話してみよう(*^_^*)