Friday, July 08, 2005

Good Hair Days and Bad Hair Days!


Although I do not take a long time to do my hair, I have friends who spend about 20 minutes everyday on their hairstyles.

I took a survey to find out how long Nagaya International Senior High School students spend on their hair everyday. The longest time for a male student to spend on his hair is 15 minutes. But, on average, boys do their hair in about 5 minutes. The shortest amount of time boys spend on their hair is about three minutes. I think it is not necessary for boys to take time on their hairstyles. I think they need only mend their bed-head. Bed-head is when one's hair curls the wrong way when one sleeps.

Most people who take a long time over their hairstyle are girls. On average, girls take about 20 minutes to do their hair. The least amount of time girls spend on their hair is five minutes. I think girls take a long time because they roll their hair, wash their hair in the morning and mend bed head. It is like make-up for them. I think we don't need to spend so much time on our hairstyle, make-up before going to school because school is not a fun place. We also have to come to school early and doing our hair takes too much time. We need to only mend our bed-head. Except those who have a boyfriend or girlfriend.