Monday, November 08, 2004

NEWS: Mr Moyer Takes Questions From The Junior High School Students


Students from Nagoya international Junior High School took the opportunity to ask Canadaian guest speaker, Mr Norman Moyer, questions after his lecture on "International Understanding" on Octorber 30th.

First grade student, Anna Maruyama asked Mr Moyer what he thought when he first arrived in Japan. Mr Moyer said: "There were so many people living together in big cities, I wondered where are the open spaces? People told me to visit the mountains. I was also impressed by the curiosity and politeness of the people I have met and many people were very kind."

In answer to Kurimi Matsukawa, a second grade student, who asked from the Canadian government point of view, what should Japan reform? Mr Moyer said: "It is a big question but the possibility of more openess in society would be good." He said that Canada has used many creative ways to allow people to come in the country and partipate.

Another second grade student, Kana Nagase, asked him what do you think is the most important thing to have peace in the world? Mr Moyer said: "One of the most important things we can do is to have young people travel and interact with each other and speak of many different things. If we see we are all facing the same issues maybe we will find ways to work together to find a solution."

First grade student,Shoko Domoto,she aksed him what he would change about Japan to make it a better place?