Friday, September 10, 2004

New Zealand Teacher Joins NIHS

Petra McSporran
Originally uploaded by NIHS.

New teacher Petra McSporran, from New Zealand, joined NIHS on September 1st.
She has only been in Japan for two weeks, but she has been here before. Last time, she visited Hiroshima and worked at a ski resort for three months. She says that Japanese people are very friendly and kind. For example, when she was lost, she asked a man for directions and he kindly drew her a map.
Before coming to Japan, she lived in London, UK where she worked as an English teacher. She said it was good but some students were too 'active' and naughty. They did not listen to her, talked a lot and did not like to work. So, it was a tough job.
She thinks our school is impressive and has good students, teachers and a nice building. She has a message for all the students: "Please talk to me anytime."